Wednesday 25 September 2013


 Facebook is one of the most popular social networking site with over 370 million members. Not only is it a great tool to connect with friends, family, colleagues and more across the world, but it's also a great tool to increase traffic to your blog. But, you have to work hard and use Facebook wisely to get the needed massive traffic.   To use Facebook as a tool to drive traffic to your blog, you'll need to make a lot of Facebook friends.

                     Tips to increase blog traffic with Facebook.
* Look For Friends

Use the search tool to find people on Facebook.  You can search by name,  school, and more.  You don't need to know a person before you request to be their friend on Facebook.  You can either get a decline to your request or  the best that can happen is that they will become a part of your Facebook network!  You can also find people to friend by looking through the friends of people you're already friends with and looking through Facebook groups and pages to find people with similar interests to your own.  When you find people who match your criteria and might be interested in your blog content, go ahead and send them a friend request! But, don’t send a lot of requests. It will be detected as spamming, if a lot of requests are not accepted.
* Your Profile Should Be Strategic

Consider your goals for your Facebook profile.  If you want to use it as a tool to establish yourself as an expert in your field and drive traffic to your blog, then you need to make sure your profile includes the information to support your expertise.  Be careful about the types of photos, videos, and personal interests you include in your profile though.
 *Join Groups or Create Your Own Group

You can create a group for any topic or reason on Facebook and invite people to join it.  Search for groups related to your blog's topic, and then join those groups and get active in the conversations going on in those groups.  If you can't find just the right Facebook group to support your efforts to drive traffic to your blog, create one!  You can send out group invitations to all of your Facebook friends.Joining Facebook groups is one of the best ways to get huge amount of traffic from Facebook.Join in open groups with high number of members. It will be better if group’s niche and your blog’s niche are same. Share your blog links with your fan page link there. But, don’t share link in same group excessively. Admin of that group can block you. Don’t share your own links only. Share things which are valuable and interesting from other sites and add your fan page links there using ‘@’. For example, you can say, “For more interesting articles, visit @your fan page name.” Also, don’t share links continuously in more than 3-4 group at a time. Otherwise, Facebook will block your account as a spammer. If you want to share link in 6 groups, then share 3 now and share next 3 after 30-60 minutes.
*Create a Facebook Page For Your Blog and Become a Fan of Other Facebook Pages

The Facebook page feature is another great way to network with the Facebook audience. You can become a fan of existing Facebook pages (just search for ones related to your blog and then join the conversation), and you can create your own. Facebook pages can only be created by official representatives for a company, brand or celebrity. Your blog could be considered a brand, so go ahead and create a Facebook page for your blog and remember this steps;                                                                         -your blog’s name and fan page’s name must be same.                                                                                                                            
-Give profile picture and cover photo which represent your blog.
-Give a short description about your blog in description box.
-Add your blog’s address in info and select appropriate category for your page.
-Then be sure to feed your blog's content into your Facebook page status updates .
*Invite friends and share your fan page

After you have created a fan page, invite your all friends to like your page and keep connected with it. It is the main thing of Facebook traffic. If someone likes your page, he or she will get a feed when you will share your posts in your page. And when he or she will like your post, his or her friends will also get a feed. So, there is high chance that his or her friends will also like your posts and fan page. So, try to get Likes for your page as much as possible. You can send your friends messages or say them to share it with their friends. But, don’t be crazy to do it. Otherwise it will be detected as spamming.
 *Like and comment on same type of fan pages

Like fan pages related to your blog's topic. Comment there regularly. When you comment on a page, enter to that page using your fan page’s user name. Thus people will know about your page. But, don’t share your links there. Otherwise, admin of that page may block you or it may be detected as spamming. But, sometimes, you may share your fan page’s link or user name cleverly
. Also, like those pages posts. Don’t ignore any messages or wall posts if your fans/friends send you.
* Link Your Other Social Accounts to Your Facebook Profile and Page

There are many tools available to help you build a great Facebook profile and/or page that can drive traffic directly and indirectly to your blog. Try to link your blog's RSS feed to your status updates, link your Twitter feed, Slide-share content, and so on to your Facebook profile or page. This way, your updates appear in your status stream for all of your friends to see. In some cases, a new tab is added to your Facebook profile or page, so content from some other services (such as Slide-share) is always easy to find.And also,include your Facebook link in your blog's sidebar, in your email signature, and anywhere else you can think of to encourage more people to find you and send you a Facebook friend request.
* Be Active and Reciprocate
ways to drive traffic ti

You don't just create your Facebook page or group and then disappear. In order for your Facebook efforts to drive traffic to your blog, you need to actively update your status, share great content, join conversations, and engage with other people. By establishing relationships with your Facebook friends, you can indirectly grow your blog's traffic, too. And don't just spend all of your Facebook time updating your own profile and sharing your own content. Instead, spend the majority of your Facebook time commenting on other people's statuses , sharing other people's great content, responding to direct messages, and so on.
*Place a Facebook Ad

Facebook ads are fairly inexpensive, can be targeted, and can raise awareness of your blog, your Facebook page, or anything else you want to advertise.

At last I want to say, it needs a lot of time and hard work to get good result. So, Keep trying.

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Monday 23 September 2013


   SEO can be really threatening, whether you’re a new blogger or seasoned type in the blogosphere.  SEO (search engine optimization) is one of the areas that bloggers express the most concern, frustration, or lack of knowledge about.  You don’t have to be super knowledgeable about SEO in order for it to make an impact on your blog.At the heart of SEO is this concept: what are internet users searching for and how can I help them find it on my site?  If you are writing on how to earn money legitimately online or buckled sandals, how can you help people find it?  Because if you’re writing about a topic, you want the people searching for it to find it! And that’s what SEO does: it helps people find it.
gain audience to your blog & make money

SEO is an area where, if you work smart, you can see an increase in traffic.
               Here are some tips to Boost Traffic to your website through SEO;
* Post Titles & Permalinks that are Keyword Rich.
   While you may want to name your post something clever, it helps to try and make your title clever, specific and concise.  Most Search Engines only pick up the first 70 characters (letters, symbols, and numbers) of a post, so keep your title within that length.
If you make your Post Title keyword rich, then your post permalink (or the url linking to the post) will be just as rich. If you’d like to change your permalink to have different keywords, here are instructions for changing your WordPress permalink and Blogger permalink.

*Rename Images with Descriptive Words.
Before uploading your images to the internet (whether through Blogger and WordPress or to external sites like Flickr or Picasa), be sure to rename them.  This is typically as simple as double-clicking the title until it is highlighted, and then renaming the file. (Be sure to keep the correct file extension, whether it’s .gif or .jpg or something else!)

If your photo comes from you camera or phone and is named IMG_0135.jpg, people on the internet may not be able to find it (because why would they be searching for that?).  If you rename your photo from IMG_0135.jpg to makemoneyblogging.jpg, then people using search engines to find this type of online money making programme will come across your image and site. Easy!

*Fill in IMG ALT Tags.
 Similarly to renaming your images, adding a handful of descriptive and concise search terms can help search engines find your site images more easily and not only direct more readers to your site, but also really benefit your readers and keep them coming back.Have you noticed that when you hover over some images online, a box of text will pop up to tell you what the image contains? That’s the img alt tag/text. The main thing that it’s used for is to clearly describe what is happening in the image. A reader with visual impairments will rely on alt text to give some context to the article or blog post they’re reading – their browser will have an add-on or plugin that reads out what the alt text says.You never know who is going to be looking at your blog, so make sure it’s accessible for everyone.
An added benefit of this is that you end up telling search engines what the image is of as well. This means that your search rankings are given a bit of a boost – obviously Google can’t see images.
   Since most topics are visual- medium -rich, use it to your advantage!  Just be sure not to use 50 terms, because the bots that search posts for keywords may see it as overcompensating and penalize it for you.  Shoot for 5-10 words or phrases, and don’t be too redundant.
         How To Fill In IMG ALT Tags In A Blog;
 In Blogger,you will need to insert the image into your blog post, then click on it to bring up the following pop up underneath:


Click on the “Properties” link, and you’ll see the following. blogger-alt-text-2

The Alt text box is where you’ll need to fill in the image description, then just click OK!

*Assign Categories and Tags Wisely!
Blog categories and tags create additional blog “slugs” (urls) for the given category or tag keyword.  Each time you place a post in the category or tag, search engines recognize that it has new content.  This is great, because search engines LOVE new content, and new content helps improve your rankings on websites.

Erica Miller suggests limiting your tags to 25 or less, so that you’re constantly creating new content in those tags.  Many sources online suggest that categories do not have a maximum limit, but that you should ensure that each category has approximately 10 or most posts in them, and that they are again, constantly being used and receiving new content.

*Fill in Meta-Tags:
If you have a WordPress SEO plugin installed, there’s inevitably a box below your post that has the Meta Tags in them.  You’ll typically find these tags in your plugin, and here’s what information to put into each field.

Title: Keep your Meta Title under 60 characters, and make it SEO rich. If your title is keyword rich, use it; but if it’s not you can change it to contain different information
Description: This should stay under 160 characters and be a concise, yet descriptive paragraph of the blog post’s content
Keywords: These are keywords you would find in the post, or that are related to the post. These are best as phrases and not sentences.  Keywords for this post could include seo tips, the basics of seo, how to use seo, what are meta tags, how to use img alt tag.

 These tips just touch the top of the iceberg when it comes to SEO, but they should be easy enough tips to help you learn and understand SEO better and help increase traffic for your site.  When I launched my new site, I used the following tips above and solely.  I very rarely promote the posts on my social media channels, but instead, rely significantly on SEO.  Within a few months of launching, I am regularly receiving 30-50 visitors a day.  It may not be a large number, it shows how quickly SEO can impact your traffic and how useful it is in growing your site.

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Wednesday 18 September 2013

Drive Traffic To Your Blog Through Guest Posting For Money Making Online Blogs

Blogs might be the shortcut means of submitting your work online however, a blog is also a means by which you can market as well as advertise your website online such that the visits, frequency of hits(traffic) and search engine ranking can increase day by day.

 What is Guest Blogging?
very happy because he knows what he is doing
  Guest blogging refers to the concept where you can open a blog simply for increasing the visibility of your website.One of the essential key factors regarding guest blogging is that it is easy and can be regarded as a mini platform which involves at setting up traffic towards your website. Using backward links, article writing, forums etc these steps can be used to market the content on your content.
  Too much of keyword related articles might cause the search engines to reject your work. However the main purpose of ensuring that your work is recognized online is by using blogs. The more and regularly you start publishing your work through blog writing, the easier it becomes for your website to gain instant recognition.
  Blog posts can contain links which automatically helps to formulate back way links that catch the search engine’s attention right away! Website that provide back way links are known to be given more recognition . Guest blogging involves the use of blogs which are sites where you can post content consisting of keywords and thereby promotes your work online of the website.

 Guest Blogging Benefits:

*  Follow the Traffic: If you want to ensure that you can obtain traffic from all corners on the internet then guest blogging is one refined method of getting such a deal. Enjoy the benefits of blogging regularly which is a must since it increases search engine ranking and recognition. Guest blogging involves various processes of comments, feedback, forum discussion, threads etc.

* Links Building: Another exceptionally necessary advantage has turned out to be link building which maintains the ranking of your website. Posting links of your pages on the blog will allow more traffic feed into your website. A blog is easier to handle and simply can be regarded as an assistant tool for advertising the content of your website.

*Affordability: Another good thing about blogs is that they’re absolutely cost effective! Unlike a website that will certainly cost you more, blogs can either be cheap or may be bought at a price that is million times lesser than the website’s price. Once you’ve obtained the blog you can always submit it to the search engines.

*Popularity: Guest blogging just does not only  improves your skills as a writer but also provides means by which you can increase the awareness of your website online. Your business might be prosperous and rich in its services.
  Ensure that you’re recognized in the online market by guest blogging because it’s a conventional and efficient means of gaining popularity with a stream of clients flowing in! 
             This is a list of some top internet marketing/make money online blogs that accept guest posts.Feel free to check them out,and NOTE their respective RULES,so that you do not make any mistake when applying as a GUEST WRITER. 

.  You can as well share your with friends.Comments are welcomed

Friday 13 September 2013


   I believe that the basic need of all bloggers is to connect ,build relationship with others in the blogging community, increase their traffic and earn money at the same time, Without driving traffic to a blog, earning from the blog and gaining popularity is almost impossible. So, here in this post i am going to give you tips on how to increase traffic to your blog-Part 2.
  *Use and Update Your Blogroll
By adding links to sites you like in your blogroll, the owners of those blogs will find your blog and will be likely to add a reciprocal link in their blogrolls. It's an easy way to get the link to your blog in front of many readers on other blogs. There is a high probability that some of those readers will click on the link to your blog on the other blogs' blogrolls and find your article interesting and enjoyable making them your loyal readers.
   *Quick response to Comments
Commenting is a simple and essential tool to increase your blog's traffic. First, respond to comments left on your blog to show your readers that you value their opinions and draw them into a two-way conversation. This will increase reader loyalty.
Second, leave comments on other blogs to drive new traffic. Make sure you leave your blog's URL in your comment, so you create a link back to your own blog. Many people will read the comments left on a blog post. If they read a particularly interesting comment, they are highly likely to click on the link to visit the commentator's website. It's important to make sure you leave meaningful comments that are likely to invite people to click on your link to read more.
    *Syndicate Your Blog's Content with an RSS Feed
Setting up an RSS feed button on your blog makes it easy for your loyal readers to not just read your blog but also know when you publish new content.
   *Use Links and Trackbacks
Links are one of the most powerful parts of your blog. Not only are links noticed by search engines, but they also act as a tap on the shoulder to other bloggers who can easily identify who is linking to their sites. Linking helps to get you noticed by other bloggers who are likely to investigate the sites that are linking to them. This may lead them to become new readers of your blog or to add links to your blog from theirs.
You can take links to other blogs a step further by leaving a trackback on the other blog to let them know you've linked to them. Blogs that allow trackbacks will include a link back to your blog in the comments section of the post that you originally linked to. People do click on trackback links!
  *Tag Your Posts
It takes a few extra seconds to add tags to each of your blog posts, but it's worth the time in terms of the additional traffic tags can drive to your blog. Tags (like links) are easily noticed by search engines. They're also key to helping readers find your blog when they perform searches on popular blog search engines such as Technorati.
*Submit Your Posts to Social Bookmarking Sites
Taking the time to submit your best posts to social bookmarking sites such as Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit and more can be a simple way to quickly boost traffic to your blog.

Join StumbleUpon today.

* Don't Forget Images
Images don't just make your blog look pretty, they also help people find you in search engine listings. People often use the image search options offered by Google, Yahoo! and other search engines, and naming your images with search engine optimization in mind can easily boost your traffic.
*Be bold
The most important part of the blogging community and much of your success as a blogger will be tied to your willingness to network with that community. Don't be afraid to ask questions, join conversations or just say hi and introduce yourself. Don't sit back and hope the online world will find you. Speak out and get yourself noticed. Let them know you've arrived and have something to say!
Tell me what you think.